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3D Modelling

In their computing lessons years 5 & 6 have been looking at creating 3D models. They were given some random shaped objects and challenged to create packaging for them using the Purple Mash App, they came up with some brilliant designs which we then printed, cut and folded. 

They also created and built some brilliant vehicles and houses!

Game Creators

Class 3 have been creating their own games using Purple Mash. They each came up with their own ideas, creating their own maze game with 'baddies' and 'treasure' to collect.

Alien Run

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Created by Sophia

Jurassic Park

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created by Caitlin

Kitchen Boss

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created by Ben

Cheese apocalypse

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created by Josie

Computing art work using pointillism!

In Computing this half term it is linked to our theme 'Every Picture tells a story!'. We have been using the tool '2Paint a Picture' to create our very own masterpieces.

This session was all about pattern work and we looked at the artists Orla Kiely and William Morris.

Take a look at our amazing designs!

In computing, Blencathra Class have been using the music tool 2Sequence and made some amazing compositions. We have now moved on to Creating pictograms using the 2Count tool on Purple Mash. The children were able to talk about the difference collecting data the old fashioned way and using computing to collect data. Great work Class 1!

2Count - Creating pictograms

Class 3 did brilliantly in their coding lessons creating their own games. They coded various games, with moving characters, sound effects, creating timers and a running scores!

Coding Games

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Class 3 did brilliantly with their coding lessons creating their own games!

Coding games

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coding games

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Class 3 children have been using codebugs! Creating their own coding programmes to display their own LED light up messages!

Making Music in Computing!

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This week in Computing, KS1 have been using the tool 2Sequence on Purple Mash. The challenge was to make music changing bpm, instruments and volume. The children loved it. Here are some screenshot videos of some music made.

Music making in Computing!

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And another ...

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