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Local History - Blencathra meets Beatrix Potter!

The Maya Civilization : Class 3

Hevellyn had a wonderful time today consolidating all their learning about the Romans at Vindolanda Roman Fort and Roman Army Museum.  We were able to see Hadrian's Wall and understand the importance of Forts along the wall to strengthening their defences. We enjoyed learning all about how the artefacts and evidence found at Vindolanda has taught us so much about how the Roman's lived and their impact upon other societies living in Britain at the time. Check out the only Roman helmet comb ever found in Europe.

Penruddock School travelled back in time on Monday 6th November. We had a visit from Poppy, who showed us lots of fascinating artefacts from World War I. She told us all all about her brother Wilfred who went away to fight in the war and sadly, didn't come back home.

Poppy was amazing and had lots of things to share with us. We were very respectful with the wonderful treasures that Poppy brought with her.

We learnt about the importance of Remembrance Day and why we wear our poppies.


We will remember them.

Poppy's visit to Penruddock!

Blencathra Class embraced all things coronation during the month of May. We were able to talk about things which happen in our lifetime in History. We learnt all about what a coronation is, what happens during the coronation, along with lots of history linked to our Royal Family. We had an amazing time.

Coronation - history in the making!

Class 3 enjoyed exploring a range of historical periods during their residential in York. A  highlight was revisiting our knowledge of World War II in our trip to Eden Camp. 

Eden Camp

Tudor Houses and the Great Fire of London!

The children have had great fun learning all about traditional Tudor houses; what they looked like and how they were built, in the time of The Great Fire of London. They learnt about how the fire started and how it rapidly spread. They first designed their own Tudor house before creating it as a junk model. We then went out onto the school field and made our very own Pudding Lane with our own 'Great Fire of Penruddock'!! It was all very exciting!

Children in Helvellyn have been linking their learning about people from the Stone Age to those in the Bronze and Iron Age. We have found out about the Amsbury Archer and all her has told us about peoples wealth, travel and capabilities during our ancient history. Stonehenge links all these different historical periods together. Why was it built and what does it tell us? We certainly found out today how clever they must have been!

Making Stonehenge from Biscuits!

Class 2 had a super day with the Penrith and Eden Museum. We took part in a virtual session with them. We spoke to the museum on a video call to find out more about Anglo Saxons. They also lent us some artefacts to help us to learn more about our topic. We did lots of fun activities, such as studying runes, looking at jewellery and battle gear, weaving and making pots.

Skiddaw turn into marauding Vikings!
