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KS1 Multi Sports Festival

From Curling to speed jigsaw building, there was something for everyone (including plenty of stickers!)

KS1 Football at Greystoke

 Boogie Bounce May 2024 

Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 at the tag rugby fun festival

We entered two teams and had a great afternoon with some fantastic runs and lots of tries scored, well done team Penruddock!

Orienteering Event

The children enjoyed working on their map reading and orienteering skills at Hackthorpe using electronic dibbers at check points on their route.


Class 2 Quicksticks Hockey Tournament

Class two entered a team into the Quicksticks Hockey tournament, they grew in confidence and ability game after game, showing great teamwork and good team spirit, well done team Penruddock!

Gymnastics Spring 2024


Class 3 have been dancing through the decades  looking at the different styles of music and dance moves! Do you recognise any of these dance moves?

 Forest School 

Tri-Golf Autumn 2023

KS1 Basic Moves Autumn 2023

Yr 5&6 football Autumn 2023

Skelton 7s Netball and Football Competitions

Wheelchair Basketball - Sept 2022

Our annual rounders competition - May 2022

Table tennis taster session - Year 3 & 4

Tag Rugby Festivals 2022 - Year 3 & 4 and Year 5 & 6

Year 3 and 4 Tennis competition - Penrith Tennis Club

Team Rubicon - Scootering for Class 1, Skateboarding for Class 2 and 3

KS2 Tri-Golf competition 2021-22

Blencathra Dance 2021-22

Visit from Mark Donovan Tour of Britain cyclist and ex pupil of Penruddock September 2021

Boogie Bounce 2020-21

Bikeability 2020-21

Wheelchair Basketball 2020-21
