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 Beautiful Butterfly 

Class one had a new arrival over the May half term! They've watched the caterpillars grow and turn into chrysalis, then over the half term holidays our beautiful butterfly emerged and was released into the garden! 

Class 1 Butterfly

Still image for this video

Forces with Class Three: Investigating Balancing Forces Using Levers

Forces with Class 3- Experimenting with Catapults

Reception have been hunting for and identifying minibeasts!

Blencathra Class are looking at how things grow this half term. They've been busy planting and learning about the different parts of plants, we'll keep you updated on any plant growth!

Helvellyn explored soil with magnifying glasses and sieves to find out what it is made of.

Helvellyn finding out all about rocks

 Reception hunt for signs of Spring! 

Reception children went on the hunt for signs of spring around school, they did some writing and drawing of the things they found.

Blencathra Class interview Neil Armstrong!

 Signs of Winter 

The children were out on the school field looking for signs of winter; finding ice in the mud kitchen and the water tray, frost on the leaves and branches and making footprints on the frosty grass.

Class Helvellyn Exploring Digestion

Class Three is exploring friction by investigating balloon rockets- Summer 2023

Forces: Summer term Class 3


Class Three is learning about forces- here they are getting to grips with force meters

Class 3 learning about the circulatory system and how the heart works January 2023

Class 3 Working on Ancient Greeks March 2023 : Creating a Water Clock to measure time- Ancient Greek style

Blencathra and the BeeKeeper visit! 22.06.22

Helvellyn explore rocks, fossils and soil.

Blencathra Investigates 2021-22

Blencathra Marvellous Me ~ using our senses! 2021-22

Blencathra Marvellous Me ~ body labelling 2021-22
